
Payment Gateway Plugin

Original price was: ₨ 500.Current price is: ₨ 250.

TechKi Pay makes online buying and selling easier for businesses in Pakistan. It’s a helpful tool that works with WordPress websites. With TechKi Pay, you can manage payments better and keep things safe. It’s like having your own cashier online. You can check payments easily and make sure everything’s okay before approving them. Plus, TechKi Pay gives you free lessons on WordPress and online selling. It’s the smart choice for anyone doing business online in Pakistan.

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TechKi Pay is here to make life easier for folks doing business online in Pakistan. Whether you’re selling clothes, gadgets, or even services, TechKi Pay has your back. It’s a special tool made to work smoothly with WordPress websites – the ones many businesses use to sell stuff online.

What’s cool about TechKi Pay is how it keeps things simple and safe. Imagine having your own virtual cashier right on your website. When customers buy something, the money goes straight to your account. But before you say “yes” to the purchase, you get to check everything first. Customers send a picture to show they’ve paid, and you take a quick look to make sure it’s all good. Once you’re satisfied, you hit the “approve” button in WordPress, and voila! The deal is sealed.

And hey, that’s not all. TechKi Pay is more than just a payment tool. It’s like your personal coach for doing business online. They offer free lessons on WordPress and selling stuff on the internet. So, even if you’re new to this whole online business thing, TechKi Pay has your back.

In a nutshell, TechKi Pay is your go-to partner for hassle-free online transactions in Pakistan. It’s like having a trusted friend who knows all about running a business online. With TechKi Pay, you can sell your stuff, manage payments, and learn the ropes of e-commerce – all with ease and confidence. So why wait? Join the TechKi Pay family today and take your online business to new heights!


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